Need Computer Help?

Do you have a question or problem with your computer? Do you have a question or problem with a program? Then you can comment that here! I will use my knowledge, with the partial help of Google, to figure out the answer for you!

Note: You can also ask me about any browser questions you may have.


The answer that I will give might help solve your problem, and the answer will be based mostly on my experience.


So..Just comment!

I’m waiting.. *.*



Note: To put simply, this is not a replacement for professional advice.

28 thoughts on “Need Computer Help?

  1. Haha im commenting again.
    but, sometimes when I upload pictures on my blog, it is small (like those in my pictures post), which is annoying.
    Other times it comes out how I want it (big, like the photos I recently posted).
    It’s really annoying. I take everything with the same device.
    Do you know how to make the photo big every single time?

  2. Do you know if you can change the cursor on your blog?
    Like make it animated or something when they go onto your wordpress? Schmanx owo

  3. hi jeff,just read your post about scam downloader i have to admit that is the best post i ever read in my life,now i will won’t spend time searching for downloader anymore after reading your post,thanks jeff.anyway i have a there anyway to bypass using greasemonkey,i tried using some script but it keep just saying adblock detecter and won’t bypass for me

    • I don’t know anything about skipping links using grease monkey. To be honest, I hardly ever come across adfly links, so it’s hard for me to give an opinion of a way to bypass them. I would just avoid them altogether, or spare the extra few seconds to wait for the skip button.

  4. Hey Jeff, I would like to invite you to make/help a post on my blog about this: the part about ownership and use restrictions. We want to inform users of ownership and user restrictions of Fanatge so we can be respectable users. I think you are the technical guy that can help us with this topic, so any insight/input you’ll share with us on this it’ll be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    • Here is what it says:

      “2. Ownership and use restrictions:
      All content and software usable through this site, as well as all trademarks, service marks, and copyrightable material found on or provided by this site, are the property of grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use this site. You have no rights with regard to this site that are not expressly granted to you in writing by You agree not to sell, download, remove, reproduce, modify, perform, publish, disseminate, broadcast, reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble any materials found on this site to any third party without the express prior written permission of ”

      (What I think below takes into consideration what everyone does with Fantage related things)

      It’s pretty much saying that you can’t sell anything from Fantage(this should included the fantage clothing; this includes images taken from Fantage), download anything and put it onto a third party site(a website not owned by Fantage), and publish any material from Fantage onto third party sites(which includes using the pictures off of the Fantage blog and reposting it on wordPress). When it says that you can’t modify any materials found on the site, that means you can’t do fantage edits(I think), and upload it to third party sites(which are websites not owned by fantage). The other things most Fantage players don’t do, so I won’t explain it in detail.

      Note: As long as you have Fantage’s permission, you are able to do these things. It’s up to Fantage whether or not they will have your content on third party sites removed(or ban you from their site).

      • “publish any material from Fantage onto third party sites” would this include screenshots of the game? No recoloring and editing? Some of our profile pics are not legit (mine has a picture of my Fantage avatar in it, that I edited)? We should not “touch” anything of Fantage?

        • I guess it would include screenshots from Fantage. Pretty much what you said. Don’t “touch” anything of Fantage.

          Of course, it is completely up to Fantage to take actions against these violations. And I’m sure they know of the Fantage blogs- yet they didn’t do anything against them. Yet. So, sure, its “fine” to do it right now, but later, Fantage might get all picky(which is highly unlikely).

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